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The Dowerin Machinery Field Days loves that many of you get super excited about promoting your attendance as an exhibitor at our event, across your social platforms.


If you wish to use our logo in your own artwork for social media purposes only, then please use the lock up with this year’s event date and including our Principal Partner in Euroz Hartleys.


It is important to protect the integrity of our brand and protect our sponsors and we kindly ask that you do not alter the logo.


Please note the logo is trademark protected and if it is used in an incorrect manner, you will be asked to remove/cease any promotional material.


It would also be great that when writing copy that you could use the name of our event it its full form – Dowerin Machinery Field Days – and that is plural, we are a two-day event!


We have also prepared some tiles for you with some great images of ag in action, and by zone, in case you wanted to promote the area that your site is located in.


Don’t forget to tag us so that we can share your posts!


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Thank you for supporting agriculture and our farmers, which in turns supports regional communities!


We look forward to hosting you in August.